Van Diemen's Fiddles is delighted to be performing at Moonbird Festival in 2024, celebrating one of the most spectacular places on Earth, King Island, with music, art, food & wine.

Individual members of the Fiddles will perform in multiple concerts throughout the Festival, in addition to reprising one of the group's most acclaimed programs to date, Whispering Walls.

Founded and directed by the Bowerbird Collective, this event brings together some of Australia's finest musicians for a series of spellbinding concerts.

The moonbird, or the Short-tailed Shearwater, is an iconic species of great cultural and ecological significance to the islands of the Bass Strait. The birds depart their colonies on King Island at the end of April to begin an annual 30,000km migration.

The Moonbird Festival unites art, science and conservation, and includes local culinary delights, and a series of intimate, world-class performances.


King Island Council Artist Residency

Adjoining the Moonbird Festival is an Artist Residency for VDB artists, Emily Sheppard and Rachel Meyers. Generously supported by King Island Council and Regional Arts Australia/RANT, the 2-week residency provides an opportunity for Emily and Rachel to ideate, dream, breathe, research, listen and immerse themselves in this special place.

Emily and Rachel will be delivering three free events during Moonbird Festival as part of their residency:

Artist Talk
- Sunday 14 April, 4:00pm

Free entry by reservation (see booking link below)

This free event features an artist talk at the King Island Gallery and a short performance as part of the Birds exhibition. The current King Island Artists in Residence, Emily Sheppard and Rachel Meyers, will discuss their residency project, and Anthony Albrecht and Simone Slattery will discuss the work of The Bowerbird Collective.

Sound Walks with Rachel Meyers

Free entry by reservation (see booking link below)

Join musician and sound artist Rachel Meyers, a 2024 King Island Artist in Residence, on a guided 'sound walk' designed to open our ears to hear the world around us in unusual ways. Tune in to the landscape with different listening activities, discover underwater and terrestrial soundscapes, and engage in discussions and creative reflections on your listenings.

Please note this is an outdoor walking tour, which will proceed regardless of weather. Appropriate footwear, water and clothing are recommended. Please advise of accessibility requirements when registering. Accessible for all ages!

Maximum spots: 20 per walk
Duration: 45 minutes

Sound Walk 1: Sunday April 14 5:00pm
Meet at King Island Gallery after the Artist Talk.
Sound Walk 2: Sunday April 21 8:30am
Meet at the Currie Boathouse. Followed by free tea and Sound Bath


Co-Director, Violin/Vocals

Simone Slattery

Co-Director, Cello

Anthony Albrecht

Baroque Violin/Vocals

Julia Fredersdorff


Katie Yap


Emily Sheppard


Rachel Meyers


Yyan Ng

Presented by Bowerbird Collective

Event and ticketing details

Date & Time

Moonbird Festival 13-21 March
Artist Talk Sun 14 April
Sound Walk 1 Sun 14 April
Sound Walk 2 Sun 21 April
8.30am - followed by free tea and Sound Bath


Various ticket options available - visit the Moonbird Festival website for full details and free event registration

Event notes

Sound Walk Accessibility

The Sound Walks are outdoor walking tours, which will proceed regardless of weather. Appropriate footwear, water and clothing are recommended. Please advise of accessibility requirements when registering. Accessible for all ages!